Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
the amazing human being
its amazing what we mere human beings are capable of, imagination, creation of, dance, art, mechanics, thought and philosophy.
imagine of we were able to tap into the knowledge of our vast universe,
'oh, the places you'll go!'
karma and cloud beings
Via @nprnews: Arsenic Life Is Nice; Living Clouds Are Nicer |
I find it intriguing how millions of people practice yoga and I wonder about all those who are 'certifed' to teach it. do they know where yoga originated from? are they fully benefiting from practicing yoga positions and not practicing the philosophy of diet and spirituality that can go with yoga?
we all know how to use the phrase 'its bad karma' or 'its good karma', but do we really understand what karma is?
buddhism and hinduism has its roots in jainism where 'karma' is believed to be an actual physical matter and affects people in a physical way, either in a 'good way, good karma' or a 'bad way, bad karma'.
think of the smallest particle that can possibly exist which we cannot see. currently, the smallest particle that we can see is a quark which is smaller than a proton or neutron which makes up an atom which is the basic unit of matter. this tiny particle dust is floating all around us and is called karma in jainism.
in short without getting religious, in jainism, the goal is to rid of the bad karma covering our souls, then we will reach enlightenment.
clouds, particle clouds, nebulas, being 'alive', Im not so sure about. but maybe these cloud particles, or nebulas thoughout the universe are the neurons for synapses to travel for a greater being that we cannot see because we're not able to distance ourselves far enough away.
Friday, December 3, 2010
a proper diet folow up
In between cooking, prepping, marketing, and the other million things Im working on on top of rying to get together a new menu, I try to post blogs.
so my thoughts will be random.
getting back to the ulcerative colitis and a proper diet and eating worms......
I remember growing up my parents were always working and my sister and I usually had to take care of ourselves even when it came to eating. Also being an immigrant family, there were many not so healthy eating habits that quickly became part of our regular diet. whether it be spam or fast food, eating a stick of butter like a candy bar. oh and all that white bread, from pasta to pizza to PBJ on wonder bread. I remember how we as kids would tear off the brown edges, roll up the bread into a big ball and get such satisfaction biting into it.
Unfortunately fo some of us who have weak stomachs, years of unhealthy eating habits will take a toll on our system. this is what happened to my wife.
a proper diet is important to prevent health problems, and it is also important to cure health problems.
at the same time, some help from nature cant hurt either, whether it be herbal remedies or microorganisms.
I'll need to do a little more research about this healthy parasite before letting my wife ingest them.
a proper diet
Via @nprnews: Eat Your Worms: The Upside Of Parasites |
My wife was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis almost 2 years ago. Its an extremely distressful condition and renders doing mundane routines difficult. A visit to the physician can be humiliating and what makes dealing with a so called 'educated' 'professional' so disconcerting is the fact that a doctor's advice is to smoke in order to relieve the discomfort.
thank god for the internet, for both its good and bad.
through much reading and research, my wife tried different diets and found a starch free diet which seems to help, but it will be a while longer before we know if its going to actually heal her intestinal lining.
I always knew the importance of a proper diet, but now I know the importance of a proper diet.
this is why i go out of my way, even if it means smaller profit margins, to use the ingredients that i do at tast eatery. no, our menu is far from perfect, and our goal is not to have the perfect menu, but help everyone transition to a proper diet. I wish i could be a vegetarian, but i like eating red meat and I think there are many out there in a similar transition period to a proper diet.